Steel Union
We are an association that defends the interests of Czech and Slovak steel producers and processors. Our members are also educational and research institutions. We provide professional services, consultancy and advice to the steel industry in the areas of business, statistics, technology, standardization and ecology. We are a platform for the exchange of experience between experts and at the same time a source of information for the general public.
Upcoming events
Hospodaření s energií ve firmách, ČR, Praha
19. března 2025
Týden oceli, dřeva a skla, ČR, Praha
24. – 28. března 2025
Stavební veletrh Brno, ČR, Brno
26. – 29. března 2025
Stainless 2025, ČR, Brno
2. – 3. dubna 2025
METAL & Steel 2025 – Rijád, Saudská Arábie
5. – 7. května 2025
About us
We are an active member of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic, and we represent the interests of Czech steelworkers in the World Steel Association, Eurofer and the European Steel Tube Association (ESTA). We provide the background for the activities of the Czech and Slovak Steel Tube Association (AVOT).
If you want to learn more about our activities, write to us at
Our members
Ocelářská unie a.s.
Jindřišská 939/20
110 00 Praha 1
Česká republika
IČO: 47115998
DIČ: CZ47115998
Účet číslo: 284134528/0300
+420 245 001 630